Erika Medina: hot photos of

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Erika Medina

Hailing from Anaheim, California, Erika Medina is a beautiful talent, quickly earning respect throughout the entertainment industry. Her extensive acting / hosting / modeling work has ranged from spreads in major calendars and magazines to TV/Film appearances and event hosting. Erika Medina has recently been featured in acclaimed movies and shows like Disney’s Top Rated Comedy Series Hannah Montana, VH1’s Top Rated New Reality Series: America’s Smartest Model, Guest Host For E! News Now and appeared on Rush Hour 3 just too name a few. She has recently been featured in several major magazines, including Maxim and FHM. Erika has also starred in music videos for famed music artists like Justin Timberlake, The Back Street Boys, Chris Brown, and Enrique Iglesias. She is also the Latina Spokes Model for Monster Energy Drink, Boost Mobile, and California NASCAR Speed Way. Erika Medina has now become one of the most sought-after Actress/Models in the industry; not only for her astonishing looks, but also for her personality and charisma. To request Erika Medina's Press Kit Please send all inquiries to TMGRPONLINE@GMAIL.COM

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